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DigitalPage Account Deletion

When proceeding with account deletion, all personal information collected at the time of registration and managed in electronic file format will be deleted 30 days after the deletion date.

This action is irreversible.


If you have purchased a DigitalPage subscription, you must cancel the subscription before deleting your account.

Method to cancel the subscription (Android)

Method to cancel the subscription (iOS)

For paid members, refunds are not possible due to the nature of the service.


Proceeding with Account Deletion

To proceed with account deletion, please follow the steps below.

  • If proceeding on the web
  • If proceeding on mobile

Is there a reason why it takes 30 days for member information to be deleted?

When an account deletion request is submitted, your account enters the deletion queue, and it takes 30 days for your account to go through the automated deletion process.


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