A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U |
V | W | X | Y | Z |
specifies a section of a text as a quote.
browse pages
to look over the pages that have been created.
character count
the total number of spaces, letters, numbers, and punctuation on a page.
collection of pages that are relevant in accordance with the browse mode.
context mode
a browse mode that displays clusters of pages with same hashtags, keywords, or linked pages.
a scheduled occasion in which the event name in addition to a set date and time are recorded.
export page
a function to send selected pages to the registered email for download.
a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # to identify it as a specific topic.
horizontal line separator
a line that is used to clearly separate content for better page organization.
a text that is an electronic link to go to a specific URL or website address.
link pages
a function to tie-up pages for easy browsing of relevant connected pages.
merge pages
a function to combine two pages together into one single page.
mode (browse mode)
a way or manner in which pages are organized or expressed for browsing.
a note or a memo in DigitalPage with various options to add for greater value.
Rich Text Format (RTF)
a file format that includes images of the pages being exported.
text file
a file format that only has plain text of the pages being exported.